So for healthy hair we need to brush, shampoo and condition our hair to achieve that ‘salon’ look we all crave for. To counter the damaging effects caused by hair styling always use a high quality.Hair care to create a beautiful hairstyle, the most important step and most people fail to maintain the proper treatment and hygiene of their hair. In today’s trendy and busy environment we are constantly over processing our hair, with chemicals, straightening irons and powerful hair dryers, removing the natural oils from our hair.
The nutritive Interactives range rich in essential fatty acids and micronutrients, restores the lipidic barrier in order to avoid loss of moisture, to give softness and lustre to hair without weighing it down. Dry by nature, hair suffers from the lack of sebum from the scalp. Deprived of the natural protection (the hydrolipidic mantel), the cuticle deteriorates with the external attacks and climatic excess. The intercellular cement becomes permeable. From evaporation, hair matter loses its moisture balance and becomes dry from within. Hair appears rough, dry, dull difficult to manage.
Damaged hair is the most fragile. Whatever the causes of the damage, to nourish it is no longer enough, an in-depth restructuring treatment is needed. The products in the interactives hair conditioning range restore damaged hair’s fibre and superficial structures. Hair recovers the appearance, texture and softness of healthy hair.
Without specific care, hair colour inevitably fades away. There is no beautiful colour without healthy beautiful hair. The healthier the hair, the better it retains colour pigments and the more protected it is, the better it will resist damage from external sources. Highlights become dull and may even change to unsightly tones or brassiness. The protective Interactive’s range prolongs the intensity, brilliance, depth of colour as well as hair’s beauty by continually revitalizing its fibre and giving it permanent protection.
The main reason for hair loss is hormonal. Because stress, fatigue, depression, seasonal variations, pregnancies, surgeries and excess sebum. Testosterone + the enzyme 5-Alpha-Reductase= a shortened hair-growth cycle. This androgen tic baldness can affect women in their fifties as much as men from adolescence. The
Interactive hair-loss preventive range corrects the five major dysfunctions responsible for stubborn or temporary hair loss, including hormone-related baldness.
Dandruff results from a visible, massive shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp. It is caused by an accelerated renewal of the epidermis. Instead of taking an average of 28 days, the process speeds up to about 14 days. The anti dandruff interactives range slows down the cell-regeneration cycle, eliminates the dry or seborrheic dandruff conditions, as well as purifies the scalp, and calms itchiness.
An excess of oil causes scalp irritation and problems because of its unaesthetic appearance. Even freshly washed, hair looks unkempt, flat, heavy and dull with an oily sheen. No hairstyling can overcome it. The Interactives sebum-regulating line rapidly normalizes the level of sebum secretion, and the secondary effects resulting from it.